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2351 results:

Evaluacion Ex Post del proyecto financiado por la Comision Europea: “Desminado Humanitario en Chile, No 00048186.”

Evaluacion Ex Post del proyecto financiado por la Comision Europea: “Desminado Humanitario en Chile, No 00048186.”

Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Definitions

Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Definitions

The market for advanced humanitarian mine detectors

The market for advanced humanitarian mine detectors

Key Sheets. 7: Sector Wide Approaches

Key Sheets. 7: Sector Wide Approaches

What the dog's nose knows

What the dog's nose knows

What the dog's nose knows Removing mines is necessarily a hazardous occupation.Unfortunately, mines are secretive by nature and design. A mine that cost US$5 to buy, 10 seconds to arm and 2 minutes…

Study report: Producing better Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Projects

Study report: Producing better Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Projects

Humanitarian Demining bis-bon.3.doc

Humanitarian Demining bis-bon.3.doc

On the Cutting Edge of Landmine Technology

On the Cutting Edge of Landmine Technology

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2001

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | August 2001

Commentary on The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia

Commentary on The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia