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2351 results:

GICHD Safeguarding Accountability Framework

Policy Statement  The GICHD recognises that everyone the organisation encounters, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnic origin or any other…

About Us

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) works towards reducing risk to commu­nities caused by explosive ordnance, with a focus on landmines, cluster munitions and…

Regional Cooperation

Regional Cooperation

The Regional Cooperation Programmes (RCP) promote dialogue and regional cooperation between explosive ordnance-affected states in managing and reducing risks from EO. There are three established…

Information Management eLearning Modules

Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) is a platform for recording all mine action activities in countries. One of the founding objectives of the GICHD is to provide the mine action…

More than 20 years of Women in Demining Teams in Kosovo

More than 20 years of Women in Demining Teams in Kosovo

Project Background In Kosovo, women were recruited for the first time in demining teams in 1999, a landmark moment that paved the way for women’s increasing access to employment opportunities in the…

Bâtisseurs de Paix | Maison de la Paix Event

Bâtisseurs de Paix | Maison de la Paix Event

Bâtisseurs de Paix is organized by nine of the thirteen organisations based at the Maison de la Paix. This one day event invites teenagers and their teachers to reflect together on the definition…

The GICHD Arab Regional Cooperation Programme (ARCP) Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme 2020-2022

The GICHD Arab Regional Cooperation Programme (ARCP) Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme 2020-2022

The GICHD Arab Regional Cooperation Programme (ARCP) Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme 2020-2022 helped build sustainable capacity for gender and diversity mainstreaming in the…

Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme 2019-2021

Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme 2019-2021

The GICHD's first Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme ended earlier this year. This programme helped build sustainable capacity for gender and diversity mainstreaming in the mine…

Life of Mine Exhibition | International Mine Awareness Day

Life of Mine Exhibition | International Mine Awareness Day

This exhibition, Life of Mine, marked the International Day of Mine Awareness on April 4 in Geneva and around the globe by giving mine action a human face. It shows the manifold impact…

Home After War | The story of Ahmaied Hamad Khalaf

Home After War | The story of Ahmaied Hamad Khalaf

Ahmaied Hamad Khalaf and his family returned to their home in Fallujah, Iraq in 2017. Until recently, the city was under Islamic State (IS) control. Although the conflict was over, the city was…