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2374 results:

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 4: Competency for EOD level 2

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 4: Competency for EOD level 2

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 3: Competency for EOD level 1

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 3: Competency for EOD level 1

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 2: Competency matrix

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 2: Competency matrix

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 1: General requirements

15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 1: General requirements

14th Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Landmine Convention Opens in Geneva

14th Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Landmine Convention Opens in Geneva On Monday, 30 November, the first formal meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the…

1325 National Action Plans

1325 National Action Plans

The Women, Peace and Security Programme of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom maintains through this website a semi-annual updated database to track the development of NAPs on…

11a test

11a test

11a test Description text link on mp3 

101 Great Ideas for the Socio-Economic Reintegration of Mine Survivors

101 Great Ideas for the Socio-Economic Reintegration of Mine Survivors

100 Millionen - Es gibt immer noch viel zu viele Minen weltweit! | Article on 3 sat in German

100 Millionen - Es gibt immer noch viel zu viele Minen weltweit! | Article on 3 sat in German

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System This GICHD handbook for mine action managers provides an introduction to QM approaches and principles and explains the concrete steps for developing…