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2374 results:

Vietnam’s mine action effort documentary screened in Geneva | Article in Vietnam Plus

Vietnam’s mine action effort documentary screened in Geneva | Article in Vietnam Plus

Vietnam Ageing Study Management of Explosive Remnants of War (MORE)

Vietnam Ageing Study Management of Explosive Remnants of War (MORE)

Vietnam Ageing Study Management of Explosive Remnants of War (MORE)  Every conflict leaves behind explosive remnants of war (ERW) in lesser or greater quantities depending upon the nature and…

Việt Nam needs long-term risk management to deal with remnants of war | Viet Nam News

Việt Nam needs long-term risk management to deal with remnants of war | Viet Nam News

Video | Why is the Ottawa Convention important in the mine community?

Video | Why is the Ottawa Convention important in the mine community?

Video | Opening ceremony of the Ottawa Convention Exhibit

Video | Opening ceremony of the Ottawa Convention Exhibit

Video | Management of Residual Explosive Remnants of War (MORE) Project

Video | Management of Residual Explosive Remnants of War (MORE) Project

Video published on the Vietnam National Defense Channel | Management of Residual ERW (MORE) Milestone Assessment Workshop | 10-12 September 2014, Hanoi

Video published on the Vietnam National Defense Channel | Management of Residual ERW (MORE) Milestone Assessment Workshop | 10-12 September 2014, Hanoi

Video published on the Vietnam National Defense Channel | Management of Residual ERW (MORE) Milestone Assessment Workshop | 10-12 September 2014, Hanoi

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention : Checklist

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention : Checklist

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention : Checklist This checklist was developed as a tool that could be used by these States Parties in developing a comprehensive victim…

Vapour sensing using dogs in Bosnia: a test of detection capacity

Vapour sensing using dogs in Bosnia: a test of detection capacity

Vacancy | Training Design and Development Specialist

Vacancy | Training Design and Development Specialist

Vacancy | Training Design and Development Specialist