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17 June 2022

Meeting with Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defence in Kiev

The Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Mr. Vyacheslav Shapovalov met with the delegation of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining, headed by Mr. Rory Logan on the 14th of June in Kyiv, Ukraine. The parties discussed the GICHD support in mine action to Ukraine.

Mr. Shapovalov highlighted that the National Mine Action Authority (NMAA) is established under the leadership of the MoD. The NMAA already works and performs coordination between all national authorities and international mine action organizations.

Mr. Logan noted that the GICHD has been supporting Ukraine for many years and will continue its support in various thematic areas such as, strategic planning, national standards, information management, quality management and  Explosive Ordnance Risk Education. 

Please read the full article here: