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1 April 2020

“Apart yet united for our cause – we continue to stand #togetheragainstmines!”

This 4th of April, we mark the International Day of Mine Awareness. Under the current circumstances, we feel ever more in solidarity with the over 60 million people impacted by the never-ending “landmine pandemic”.

In fact, in 58 countries in the world, the plague of landmines and explosive remnants of war continues to maim and kill innocent civilians going about their everyday life. And like the Covid-19 virus, this plague hampers the safety and development of entire nations - only this threat will not disappear with everyone staying at home.

In fact, it requires our continued, joint effort to make communities affected by landmines and explosive remnants of war safe again. And so, while we are apart, we are united for our cause – we continue to stand #togetheragainstmines! 

Want to join the campaign? 

  1. Go to
  2. Download and print the red triangle
  3. Take a picture with the triangle
  4. Post the picture to Instagram, Facebook, LindkedIn or Twitter using #TogetherAgainstMines
  5. Share with all your friends!