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8 March 2017

For 8 March, International Women's Day, GICHD Director Stefano Toscano made the following statement to the Centre's staff:


On International Women’s Day, we underline and celebrate the importance of women’s rights internationally. At the same time, this day offers us the opportunity to reflect on the work that is yet to be done and the role we see for ourselves in bringing about meaningful change.

Reducing the impact of explosive hazards on the lives and livelihoods of women, girls, boys and men is at the core of what the GICHD does. To realise this mission, it is fundamental for the advancement of the mine action sector to give women the opportunity to participate fully in its activities. This is the reason we continue to promote the involvement of women in our work.

Not only do we strive to ensure gender equality, but we also push for increased diversity in all its forms. We believe that guaranteeing diversity is a way to promote better participation in mine action and create long-lasting and meaningful impact.

By striving for a mine action sector that is gender and diversity inclusive, we know that we are making a small, but positive, step towards the full inclusion of women and minority groups in the field of peace and security.