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18 September 2015

From 7-11 September, the First Review Conference for the Convention on Cluster Munitions was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

The GICHD actively participates in the work of the Convention as an observer delegation at Meetings of the States Parties and the Intersessional Meetings, and in that capacity, the GICHD presented two interventions at the conference. On Tuesday, 8 September, GICHD Director, Ambassador Stefano Toscano, gave the first intervention. The second was delivered on Wednesday, 9 September, by GICHD Director of Operations, Guy Rhodes.

Since June 2015, the Implementation Support Unit of the Convention on Cluster Munitions has been in its new offices at the GICHD, as agreed upon in the hosting agreement between the States Parties of the Convention on Cluster Munitions and the GICHD.

Category: International Conventions