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8 February 2018

The 21st International Meeting of National Mine Action Programme Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN) will take place from 13 to 16 February 2018 at the Palais des Nations at the United Nations Office in Geneva.

The Meeting is designed to provide an opportunity for delegates to network and exchange best practice and lessons learnt in response to current trends in mine action. The theme of this year’s meeting will be “Advancing Protection, Peace and Development”.

GICHD is pleased to host three side events :

Advancing Development and Building Sustainable Peace in Sri Lanka through Achieving Completion

14 February at 1.00pm, room XXII

IMSMA Core – the Power of GIS in the Service of Mine Action

15 February at 10.00am, room XXVL

Let's Talk Business: Mine Action, the Private Sector and the SDGs

15 February at 1.30pm, room XXII

Categories: Information Management, National Strategies, Mine Action