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15 September 2014

Management of Residual ERW | Milestone assessment workshop | 10-12 September 2014, Hanoi

The Management of Residual ERW (MORE) Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam, 8-12 September 2014, served to gather national directors and officials to discuss the first findings of the Management of Residual Explosive Remnants of War (MORE) project, while gaining significant traction among regional governments in South East Asia.

Safety is risk well-managed, concluded the Milestone Assessment Workshop in Hanoi. Residual ERW contamination must be addressed through sustainable risk-management approaches and differentiated from mine action and clearance of cluster munitions.  This was the main message at a press conference where directors and officials of Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR joined voices in expressing the need to develop national policies to address residual contamination as a distinct, risk-managed issue.

The GICHD studies residual contamination and post-1945 response practices, focusing on policy development, risk management and ERW degradation. The research project extends to 15 countries and serves to facilitate knowledge transfer and advise policy-making on residual contamination among national governments and donors.

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Category: Residual contamination