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4 April 2017

"Il s’agit aujourd’hui d’améliorer les méthodes d’enquêtes afin de pouvoir réduire ces zones suspectes parce que finalement c’est une portion de ces zones suspectes qui sont réellement minées. Et c’est là aussi ou le Centre du déminage intervient et appuie ces états pour pouvoir mieux identifier les zones contaminées et mettre en œuvre les meilleures enquêtes possibles." - Pascal Rapillard, GICHD Head of External Relations

("Today, the issue is to improve survey methods in order to reduce the number of suspected hazardous areas, because in reality, just a portion of those areas are actually mined. And that's also where the GICHD intervenes, supporting states to better identify the contaminated areas and put into place the best possible survey methods.")

Two days before the International Day of Mine Awareness, GICHD Head of External Relations was interviewed by Radio Télévision Suisse. This in-depth interview covers issues ranging from the current state of contamination around the world to the ratification of the Ottawa Convention.

Full interview (in French)

Categories: Operations Management, Mine Action