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20 February 2019

The Organization for Security and Cooperation Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (OSCE PCU), the Geneva Centre for the Democratic control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and the GICHD have renewed their partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the year 2019. The MoU sets the framework for joint activities supporting Ukraine’s mine action sector according to standards and best practices in mine action and democratic security sector governance.

The partnership was initiated in 2015 in order to support Ukraine in addressing the increased risks from explosive ordnance generated by the conflict in the eastern parts of the country. Since then, it has been instrumental in assisting the drafting of a mine action law and standards and the enhancement of national capacities.

With the new MoU, the partners confirm their commitment to support Ukraine. In particular, they intend to assist the implementation of the mine action law and national standards as well as to ensure the strengthening of capacities in training, information management and gender and diversity.


Pictured above: 
Ambassador Stefano Toscano, GICHD Director (left)
Ambassador Henrik Villadsen, OSCE Project Co-Ordinator in Ukraine (right)