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The Guidebook on Detection Technologies and Systems for Humanitarian Demining is a compilation of known technologies that could be applied to the detection of mines and minefields. It covers a wide spectrum of technologies from the common metal detector through to airborne detection systems.

The Guidebook is written in such a way that it will provide information of a technical nature to a wide readership. For those who are interested in only the basic facts, each technology has a description of the basic principle(s) of operation, a listing of strengths and limitations, and a summary of its potential for humanitarian demining.

For those wishing a more detailed treatment of a particular technology, then they can read further into each article and find out what projects have been undertaken, results of tests and evaluations, details on performance, and the technical specifications that are available. An assessment of the “technical readiness level” is included which gives a reader an estimate on the stage of development that a technology is at and an indication of how close it may be to fielding in a mine action scenario. Each technology has a listing of relevant scientific and technical papers as well as points of contact if more information is required by the reader.

Many of the technologies described are in the realm of research and early development and therefore are unlikely to be fielded in the near term in humanitarian demining operations. They are, nevertheless, often described in the media or by promoters as being the answer to the landmine detection problem when in fact, they are a long way from being practical for use in the field. The Guidebook provides a realistic overview of many of those detector technologies and what the status is in their development. For those who may be contemplating developing a particular detection technology or system, it provides a clear and concise statement on what has been examined and developed for humanitarian applications in the past.

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Category: Detection and clearance