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The second Landmines and Livelihoods report, LIVELIHOODS ANALYSIS OF LANDMINE AFFECTED COMMUNITIES IN AFGHANISTAN, was commissioned by the Mine Action Coordination Centre for Afghanistan (MACCA) and the Department for Mine Clearance (DMC) with the aim of better understanding the development outcomes stemming from demining. Planning to undertake community-level surveys on a periodic basis to document these achievements and identify changes to policy and practice that could further enhance the contribution that the Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan (MAPA) makes towards Afghanistan's development, MACCA and DMC contracted to assist on the design and implementation of a pilot project.


The project has four main objectives:

The full LIVELIHOODS ANALYSIS OF LANDMINE AFFECTED COMMUNITIES IN AFGHANISTAN report and additional documents are available :


Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine Affected Communities in Afghanistan – Volume 1: Main Report

Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine Affected Communities in Afghanistan – Volume 2: Annexes 1-10

Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine Affected Communities in Afghanistan – Volume 3: Annex 11

Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine Affected Communities in Afghanistan – Executive Summary

In Dari

Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine Affected Communities in Afghanistan – Quantitative Analysis Results Presentation

Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine Affected Communities in Afghanistan – Feedback Presentation


Category: Socio-economic survey